1st Bible Reading- Job 33: 19-33
2nd Bible Reading – Hebrew 10:19-31
Key Theme for the Sermon: Hebrew 10:23
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
Topic: – He that Promise is Faithful Sunday July 23, 2023
Bible References:
(1) Job 5: 17-27 (King James Version)
(2) John 16:33
(3) 1 Corinthians 10:13 (King James Version)
(4) Psalm 100: 1-5 (King James Version)
What we need to do when we are passing through these challenges in life.
- Worship God Truthfully
- Pay Your Tithes Truthfully
- Give arms when you can as you purposed it in your heart.
- Examine Yourself.
- Limit the victory prayers, turn your prayers of victory to that of Praise, praising God….
- Ensure that make godly offerings
Orin- Bi gbogbo aiye dite mo wa etc.
Orin- Ina tonjo ko le sun mo O….etc
Orin- A ti te ‘ku mole, ati bori won….etc
Orin- Eyin Jesu, E yin Jeesu, fun Ijo ‘kehin to sokale…etc
Orin- Esin, Esin Oluwa Olorun…etc
Orin – Nibo lao duro de Jesu, Tawa yio fo ri etc