He that Promise is Faithful

He that Promise is Faithful

1st Bible Reading- Job 33: 19-33
2nd Bible Reading – Hebrew 10:19-31

Key Theme for the Sermon: Hebrew 10:23
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Topic: – He that Promise is Faithful Sunday July 23, 2023
Bible References:
(1) Job 5: 17-27 (King James Version)
(2) John 16:33
(3) 1 Corinthians 10:13 (King James Version)
(4) Psalm 100: 1-5 (King James Version)
What we need to do when we are passing through these challenges in life.

  1. Worship God Truthfully
  2. Pay Your Tithes Truthfully
  3. Give arms when you can as you purposed it in your heart.
  4. Examine Yourself.
  5. Limit the victory prayers, turn your prayers of victory to that of Praise, praising God….
  6. Ensure that make godly offerings
    Orin- Bi gbogbo aiye dite mo wa etc.
    Orin- Ina tonjo ko le sun mo O….etc
    Orin- A ti te ‘ku mole, ati bori won….etc
    Orin- Eyin Jesu, E yin Jeesu, fun Ijo ‘kehin to sokale…etc
    Orin- Esin, Esin Oluwa Olorun…etc
    Orin – Nibo lao duro de Jesu, Tawa yio fo ri etc