Dates In C.C.C

Dates In C.C.C

On Annual basis, we observe the following listed services or events and this list will continued to be updated as new ones are being considered and approved by the higher authority and the Parishioners at the local level:

EverydayMorning prayer5:30 a.m.
Every WednesdayService for the Needy, Barren Women, etc..9:00 a.m.
First Thursday of each MonthNew Moon Service10:00 p.m.
Every Friday of the WeekSpecial Service for Prophets and Prophetesses, Dreamers and Visioners at the mercyland12:00 p.m.
January 1New Year’s Day 
January 2 – 8Universal Week of Prayer6:00 p.m.
March 2Remembrance Service – Pastor P.H. Ajose Transition12:00 p.m.
Washing of Feet for Shepherds at KM 35Saturday before Palm Sunday4:00 p.m.
Passion Week, Monday thru Saturday before EasterPreparation for Easter by Fasting and Praying6:00 p.m.
Holy ThursdayWashing of Feet and Holy Communion8:00 p.m.
Holy FridayIn parishes Gathering 
Easter Eve (Saturday)Church ready for procession to the Cemetery 
 Easter Sunday – Special Service10:00 a.m.
April 16Easter Monday – Family Day 
May 24Ascension Day 
May 28 – June 2Special Week of Prayer for Preparation for Pentecost 
June-{First Sunday}Juvenile Harvests and Pentecost Sunday 
July 6Holy Mary’s Day 
July 26Rainbow Covenant Day 
August 5National Headquarters Harvest – Makoko 
September 9Special Service in Memory of the Pastor/Founder 
September 16Celestial City, Imeko Harvest 
September 29Anniversary of Celestial Church of Christ 
October 19Pastor/Founder’s Burial Remembrance Day Service at Imeko 
November 1All Saints Day 
November 18International HQ Harvest – Ketu 
December 17 – 24Special Week of Prayer for Preparation for Christmas 
December 24Christmas Eve 
December 25Christmas Day 
December 31New Year’s Eve