We thank God for the privilege to see the brightness of today because God kept us alive, may His banner of protection over us not be removed.
Hear the word of God from
Philippians 4 v 4
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.
Come to think about the above scripture, how is it possible for Believers to Rejoice in the Lord always? Apostle Paul said to the church of Phillip, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Does this mean that we should live in constant happiness and celebration in the Lord always, regardless of what we are going through as Christians?
Obviously, this scripture does not give us options but a command that must be obeyed. To “Rejoice in the Lord always” is not a matter of if you like you may rejoice or not. It carries the understanding that whether you like it or not, you should rejoice always no matter how tough the situations are.
Let’s pounder on this scripture again. “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, “Rejoice.” We should see why the advice from Paul is so essential and as we see the greatness of God that makes us find joy in what God is doing and to thank Him at all times.
However, this encourages us to stand strong in faith in God that even in trial and persecution, we would not be moved. Rather, we would “rejoice” in the Lord always.
As CELESTIANS, our hymn encourages us to sing, dance, and rejoice in this fold because the Love of God abides with us. And always rejoice in temptation because the love of God is there for us. (CCC Hymn 743- Ye Children of Celestial, Burst with joy in Celestial fold……( E yin Omo Ijo Mimo E bu sayo niinu Ijo Mimo nitori ife re mbe fun wa…..)
In conclusion: We must not allow situations to affect the state of our minds. Instead, we should allow the Joy of the Lord to flood our hearts at all times no matter the circumstances (Nehemiah 8 vs 10-12)
I pray that in the journey of life, we are rid and deliver from whatever will rob us of our joy in Jesus’ name. Throughout the Ember months and beyond, we will always have a course to rejoice in the Lord, and our joy shall be unending in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
Have a fulfilled week.
Stay blessed.